Archive for the news Category

Hack but don’t get hacked!

| February 16th, 2015

We are going to have Real Capture The Flag tournament going-on during #BSidesLjubljana. See CFP page for more details and latest updates.

Call for papers closed

| February 16th, 2015
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Call for papers is closed and it looks like we have received 12 interesting talks as well as two promising workshops; soon to be officially announced.

NOTE: if you really think you have an *awesome* talk that wasn’t submitted in-time, send it to ‘cfp [at]’, but we’ll not promise you anything!

BSidesLjubljana venue

| January 25th, 2015

We are happy to announce the venue of Security BSides Ljubljana. Event will be held in Poligon creative centre. It is about 20 min walk from Ljubljana’s city center and venue of CSA CEE Summit 2015. For more details see venue page.